Project 1 Submission

23.1.2017 (Week 4)
Yasmin Kamarudin
Advertising Principles and Practice
Project 1 Submission

Project 1 Individual work (15%)

The Brief
Insight. (PlaySafe Condoms)

Duration of Assignment
2 Weeks (Briefing on Week 1)

Week 4 (21st Jan 2017)

The student has the task of researching and analysing the brand/product: Playsafe Condoms for the purpose of developing “insight” that would be used to develop creative and effective advertising message.

The brand: Playsafe Condoms
The product: Air Ultra Thin (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Extremely thin condom for extra sensitivity
Target Audience: Gen Y.

Figure 1. Playsafe Condoms:Air Ultra Thin. Packaging of 10, 2 & 1 pieces.

Students will need to gain “insight” into; the brand & product using SWOT analysis; the target audience using market segmentation; and the competition by identifying their USP/SMPs and through the analysis of their respective advertising.

There are two types of research approaches that you will use inadvertently:
1) Primary research
2) Secondary research.

Primary research entails you physically handling the product or visiting the manufacturing plant or talking to a sales person or visiting the retail outlets (Point of Purchase/POP), etc.

Secondary research entails data gathering from, websites, magazines, journals, health magazines, etc.

You will approach this by looking into the 3 areas mentioned below:

1. Brand & Product insight 

To do the above you will need view the links below:

2. Target Audience insight
• Segmentation for Gen Y: Behaviouristic, Geographic, Demographic & Psychographic
• Who are they? What do they look like? What motivates them? What are their beliefs?
• Empathy: What they say? What they do? What they feel? What they think? Its good to know what people always do (Behaviour), that’s knowledge.

But its even more important to know why they do the things they do (Motivation), that’s insight. If you know their motivation you can predict their actions, that’s foresight. If you can predict their actions you can take advantage of the outcome, that’s power. 

Always try to seek and understand the, bigger picture and the deeper motives. 


3. Competitors (Malaysia Only)
  • Who are the competitors? (SWOT analysis) 
  • How and where do they advertise?
  • What is advertising strategy? (USP/SMP) 
  • What do their Ads look like? 
  • What is the difference in the product? 
  • Where is it sold? 
The student must document the above research and analysis in their eportfolio and A4 hardcopy portfolio.

The results of the research must be collated, analysed and presented in a PowerPoint presentation. This will be uploaded to your eportfolio and printed as thumbnail slides 4 per-page for your A4 clear sheet hardcopy portfolio.

1. All gathered information (printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated.
2. All gathered information (screen grabs, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented chronologically in the eportfolio cummulatively, for the duration of the project.
3. Powerpoint presentation of final analysis: Brand/Product, Target Audience and Competitor.

Printed as a handout, 6 slides per page.

1. To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising


The presentation is well organised. The data is relatively comprehensive, there are citations throughtout. Conclusions are present and relatively insightful. Evidence of primary research and secondary research is visible. The Big Idea and Strategy is present, overall well researched presentation.         

By having condom as our product to advertise, it is definitely uncomfortable for me to think of. But, since it is good to get out of my comfort zone. It was also an experience to round the pharmacies and convenience stores to look for the condom section. Of course, it was awkward and embarrassing to look and even take a picture there. There were things I wished I had done differently, such as maybe interviewing the manufacturer and also the shops in terms of how often they had to restock the product and etc.

