Week 11 - 15: Prototyping & Final Submission

Yasmin Kamarudin
BIMD Sem 4
Experiential Design

Week 11 - Week 15 (12.06.2017 - 23.07.2017)
Throughout these 4 weeks, I had worked on animating the cover pages, adding popups, jump links, slideshows and an overlay layer. The trouble I faced the most is creating the overlay layer where I had to figure out how to not make it overlay throughout the issue but only certain sections. I also had to figure out how to make the links appear only when the overlay layer is pulled up.

After consulting Mr. Razif, he had asked whether I had updated to the latest version of Mag+ Production Tool, and I realized I hadn't. So, then, I did. But, it still didn't work. After tinkering around with it for a while. I managed to make the overlay layer only appear at certain pages by wanting to put another overlay layer. It didn't work before because I was using 6.60 mib instead of the highest one after the update which was 6.80 mib.

Regarding to making the link appear when the pull up is pulled. I had looked at how each of the glossary in the mag+ website and on the linking tutorial, it had mentioned how once a thing is grouped the object id of the individual elements is no longer the same, so we had to change it. I had also tinkered around with the reference object id. At first I had put a bordered rectangle along with the pull up, I thought once it's in the group, it would just follow along with it when it's pulled up and etc. But then, it didn't work. I used the reference object id before and it worked! I left the rectangle box on screen where you can still see it, and when the pull up was pulled, the rectangle box was pushed, but it followed the pull up. So logically, if the rectangle box was positioned within the group it would appear together with the pull up. So I had done it with the linking too and it works!

Pull up with the linking overlay menu

Another issue I had faced was to create a slideshow within a popup. At first, the object state wouldn't allow me to delete the second state's photo, but I asked for help from my friend, and I figured it out. Another minor issue was how after the video ended, the media in the end didn't sync well with the end video. So I had to keep rearranging back the elements in order to make it the same. I wanted to add a slideshow for the how/what article so people could browse through how to style that item, but I couldn't find decent pictures for it and also with the lack of time, I only manage to do linking on that page. Regardless, I like the look of my magazine and I'm glad I could make it this far.

Final Look of the Magazine

