Week 1 - Bad Website Analysis

Instead of going broad with my search for bad websites, I decided to narrow down my research on the category of e-commerce fashion websites. Although mostly business are now run on instagrams, there are still blogspots that are still open for business. Even though the websites I haven’t chosen isn’t the worst website of all time, but this just proves that even if it is an established brand, there are areas of improvement for the site to be convenient and easy for the users. 

It is a website that sells clothes from other companies. Although the companies could be unknown they attract other users with a preview of how the clothes look like on people. What this website lacks is a convenient navigation menu where you can find different categories such as pants or t-shirts. This kind of website posts as they get new arrivals and doesn’t delete the posts of past sold out clothings. Especially using a blogger template, it makes it hard for the user to navigate through the types of clothes that are available on the current store. Other than that, to order the clothes you would have to comment or email them instead of putting in a cart like other stores. 

What they could improve on:
Instead of a blog format, they could change the layout into an organized layout where the top could have the header and the logo. The header could then be consisted of menus of the type of clothes they sell. Other than that, they could have a proper logo and set up a consistent theme for their website.

This is a well and recently established company of a Singapore clothing brand. This website although has the essentials of an e-commerce website such as the options the purchase the product, navigation menu in which categories of the product are available. What it lacks if it were to be compared to other e-commerce website is an account where the user can see their order history or possibly collect points. Other than that, the website itself is not compatible with mobiles nor is it sensitive to different browser sizes. The main header picture also needs to be fixed as the size exceeds the border. The position of the menu is located underneath the main header compared to how menus are located at the top most of the web page. 

What they could improve on:
Since it provides worldwide shipping to its customer, it would be convenient for their customers to see the price of the product in their own currency. Other than that, create a header with the logo of the brand along with its navigation menu. In terms of aesthetics of the product and consistency of the website, the photos of the product could have a consistent lighting, background and composition so that it can instill in the customers mind that it is a specific type of product. For the main page, instead of showing all the products, a preview of some of the products such as new arrivals would help simplify and a pleasing to the eye. The website could use a color palette, I realized that a pastel palette could help to create a brand for this brand. For a regular user, an add to cart button on the image itself could aid the process of buying the product. They could also add minimal amount of animations of to the website such as a simple transition ease in or out once the product is clicked on.


Other bad websites that is not fashion e-commerce

This website is aligned weirdly on the left which distracts the user's eye. With so many texts on one page, the user finds it hard to navigate through the page especially with similar font sizes and style which leads to bad hierarchy. The font choice for the website could've resemble it's company's logo to remain a consistent theme for the company. The color scheme does not resemble the company's colors, nor is it complementary to it. This website is not mobile-friendly.

What they could improve on:
They could go for a minimalistic approach and also use the colors of the company or some of the colors to create a consistent feel and look for the company. The link could be simplified rather than placing it all on the front page, they could provide links within the links, like a drop down menu or with icons. The positioning of the content could be placed in the middle so that it will be more pleasing to the eye.

The website was created for the purpose to showcase their books rather than having the option for their customers to buy it online. However, the design of the website lacks hierarchy. The font sizes are similar making the user confused to where to look. There is too many red colors which can hurt people's eye. The image of choice is poor. The two choices where you can see popular's choice of books links to the same page. They could simply combine both malay and english titles into one. I had thought when you click the malay version, it would go to the books in malay, but it did not. The menu bar has random colors which doesn't show cohesiveness of the website or the bookstore. This website is not mobile-friendly.

What they could improve on:
They can find a better color scheme. They can also replace their links with icons or maybe minimize the number of links because some of the links aren't necessary to the home page. The choices for the type of books the user wants to look for could be replace with consistent images, font size, color instead of a tab like it is now. Maybe they can make the width of the container that contains the content wider as it feels a bit too small and tight for the information they had wanted to put in.

This is the website for Malaysian's Tourism Corporate website. They have another website titled Official Website of Tourism Malaysia. This website is cater for business. Some people might actually mistake it for a website for tourist rather than for a corporate one. As you switch to the holiday one, the theme drastically changed. A consistency for both websites could help tell the users that it's under the same website. The website has a double navigation bar which are confusing to some people as it is a corporate website they shouldn't be that much options on one page. The website is inconsistent as you scroll through, it starts off with huge images that fill the browser and then news and events that are choppy and badly photographed images and then with icons that are simple and minimalistic. It seems that they are mixing multiple themes into one. 

What they could improve on:
A better color scheme to represent Malaysia. A consistent theme throughout the whole pages and other connecting and related websites such as malaysia.travel . They could also condense the links into icons if they are going for a minimalistic approach. Have a goal towards the website especially with the links, it's like a news website rather than a website to promote Malaysia. Naming the links and having business-like elements properly would definitely help users know that it's a business and partnership website rather than a travelling one.
