Word Play - Week 1 + Week 2

These first 2 weeks, we had learned how to animate the texts which include enlarging them, offsetting the characters, played with the z position and etcetera.

The first week, I had learned how to offset the characters of the word, playing with the character of the word by rotating them around in 3D and how to easy ease the keyframes. Other than that, I changed the color of the text by making a drip effect momentarily and then going back to the original color. For that, I had learned how masking works. Mr. Kannan also taught us the shortcut keys including on how to snap the anchor point by holding the control key. By pressing y, is the shortcut key to move the anchor point. Other shortcut keys are similar to photoshop and other adobe softwares. One of the most useful one for me is cutting the timeline according to the marker which is by pressing alt + ] and alt + [ depending on which side we would like to cut. One other shortcut key I find useful is j and k, to go to the accurate point in a keyframe.

Here are some snapshots of what I did in class as an exercise:
Character Offset
Character Offset + Duplication with a different fill color
Rotation of Z positioning of 3D character
Masking with 'dripping' effect 
Final look
gif of the text animation
The second week, Mr. Kannan had taught us more about masking, about the graph editor and how we can change the speed of our keyframes, null objects (making circular rotation on the z-plane) repeaters, alphas, expressions, and how to animate text using by using the trim paths. After a few experimentations, I realized that the graph editor and easying ease the keyframes makes the transition smoother; by using repeaters, we can a make burst effect; the power of the track matte where you can reveal underneath the shape layer as it moves or hide the layer underneath it; ping pong effect and loops can be created by using expressions; by using trim paths, your text can be transition into the screen into a whole new level.

Here are some gifs of what we did in class:

rotation with a null object
more text-animations with track matte
gif of hello with trim path (press if it doesn't move)
 Note: The animation look choppy due to low frame rates

