Final Project Submission

Week 7 (20.02.2017)
Yasmin Kamarudin
BIMD Sem 3.5
Advertising Principles & Practice
Final Project Submission

Final Project & Portfolio 40%

The Brief
Advertising Campaign (Part 2): Art Direction
Duration of Assignment
3 Weeks (Briefing on Week 4)
Week 6 & 7 (8th Feb 2017)


The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 3 ads across different/same media – for the Playsafe Condom Brand, and its Air Ultra Thin product. Utilising the insights researched (Project 1), the ideas developed (Exercises), and the determined media strategy (Project 2), execute a well art directed, crafted, creative advertising campaign that maintains the mood, tone and most importantly conveys the ad message (USP/SMP) consistently throughout the different/same media. Create an advertising campaign that is on message, on target and makes a lasting impact visually and emotionally.

In part 2 of the advertising campaign, the focus is on the students ability to translate the creative idea into concepts that are well art directed and crafted ad. campaign, taking into consideration the target audience, media and the socio-cultural factors.

The brand: Playsafe Condoms
The product: Air Ultra Thin (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Extremely thin condom for extra sensitivity
Target Audience: Gen Y.

The student must document their progress in their eportfolio and the A4 hardcopy portfolio. The final results must be printed out for the A4 hardcopy portfolio, and the Adobe PDF and JPEGs of the final artworks must be uploaded to your eportfolio. Ensure all aspects of your journey in this process is documented – failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, etc.

  1. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, etc.) documented chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated.
  2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, screen grabs, websites, images, etc.) documented chronologically in the eportfolio cummulatively, for the duration of the project.
  3. A3 print outs of the individual ads from the campaign and simulated print outs of what it would look like in its actual setting.
  1. To develop students ability to ideate effectively.
  2. To develop students ability to synthesise knowledge.
  3. To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising
  4. To develop students ability to create and execute an effective ad. message.
  5. To develop students ability to determine a media mix based on analysis.
Final Advertising Campaign
1. Facebook Artwork
1200x628 Pixels
Facebook Simulation

2. Billboard Artwork
2834x5669 Pixels

Billboard Simulation

3. Instagram Artwork
1080x1080 Pixels

Instagram Simulation

Labelling and dating was present to a degree with minor discrepancies. Presentation of artwork was adequate, in that the artworks were clean and concise. The application of the idea was good and clear. It displayed good technical skill and imagination. However the size of the logo and name were too small in the mobile add and the placement of the packaging remains an issue layout wise. The visual work was aesthetically good, interesting even.

Although, I had a rough start in coming up with the ad campaign. My first two ideas, although in sketch form, it seemed good and workable, after trying it out, I didn't feel it, it didn't show thinness, so it was scratched and I had only a few days to come up with a new one. Thankfully, I did, after looking for inspirations and references of words in my mind map such as thin, transparent and etc. Just like Mr.Vinod said, the answer is always right in front of you, you just need to look at the right places. However, I still have trouble in finding the best layout for the placement of the packaging. Although, there are better ways to arrange, I still liked how my was laid out. Maybe in the future, I'll see this new way of placing the package in an ad, but for now, I'm happy with what I've made. Overall, it was a pleasant experience and I wished we had more time to learn new things from Mr.Vinod.

