Project 2 Submission
1. 2. 2017 (Week 5)
Yasmin Kamarudin (0325946)
Advertising Principles and Practice
Project 2 Submission
Project 2 (20%)
The Brief
Yasmin Kamarudin (0325946)
Advertising Principles and Practice
Project 2 Submission
Project 2 (20%)
The Brief
Advertising Campaign (Part 1): Media Mix (or Strategy)
Duration of Assignment
2 Weeks (Briefing on Week 3)
Week 4 (25 Jan 2017)
The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 3 ads across different/same media – for the Playsafe Condom Brand, and its Air Ultra Thin product. Utilising the insights researched (Project 1) and the ideas developed (Exercises), choose the most effective combination for the target audience (consumer) in context of the local market. The most important, is an idea with legs, and one that resonates with the target audience (consumer).
In part 1 of the advertising campaign, the focus is on developing the media mix, which media will be used, where, and when. A media mix is a “combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives of a marketing plan or campaign”. It is the process of analysing and choosing media for an advertising campaign. The types of media can be different/same.
What are the considerations for choosing the media mix? Arens & Schaefer (2005) suggest the 5Ms: Market, Money, Media, Mechanics and Methodology (Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation on Advertising Message & Media Strategy).
The brand: Playsafe Condoms
The product: Air Ultra Thin (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Extremely thin condom for extra sensitivity
Target Audience: Gen Y.
The student must document the above analysis in their eportfolio and A4 hardcopy portfolio. The results of the analysis must be collated and presented in a PowerPoint presentation. This will be uploaded to your eportfolio and printed as thumbnail slides 4 per-page for your A3 clear sheet hardcopy portfolio. The use of visuals, diagrams, charts, time-lines are highly encouraged.
The presentation was good. The type of media that will be used was not listed out in the introduction and conclusion. The conclusion for the first section the media was not present. Overall, sufficient data to support the media strategies.
There's a lot to consider in picking the right media strategy for this specific target audience since
there is a lot of options to choose from. There were many sources that one could pick and say that it is right, and some source contradict each other and some support and so it was up to me synthesize those information and come up with a conclusion that could support my opinion. I would say that it is definitely harder than the project 1 for me since being indecisive in this process is not an option. But, I'm glad that it is still quite flexible for me to adjust my options.
Duration of Assignment
2 Weeks (Briefing on Week 3)
Week 4 (25 Jan 2017)
The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 3 ads across different/same media – for the Playsafe Condom Brand, and its Air Ultra Thin product. Utilising the insights researched (Project 1) and the ideas developed (Exercises), choose the most effective combination for the target audience (consumer) in context of the local market. The most important, is an idea with legs, and one that resonates with the target audience (consumer).
In part 1 of the advertising campaign, the focus is on developing the media mix, which media will be used, where, and when. A media mix is a “combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives of a marketing plan or campaign”. It is the process of analysing and choosing media for an advertising campaign. The types of media can be different/same.
What are the considerations for choosing the media mix? Arens & Schaefer (2005) suggest the 5Ms: Market, Money, Media, Mechanics and Methodology (Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation on Advertising Message & Media Strategy).
The brand: Playsafe Condoms
The product: Air Ultra Thin (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Extremely thin condom for extra sensitivity
Target Audience: Gen Y.
The student must document the above analysis in their eportfolio and A4 hardcopy portfolio. The results of the analysis must be collated and presented in a PowerPoint presentation. This will be uploaded to your eportfolio and printed as thumbnail slides 4 per-page for your A3 clear sheet hardcopy portfolio. The use of visuals, diagrams, charts, time-lines are highly encouraged.
- All gathered information (printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated.
- All gathered information (screen grabs, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented chronologically in the eportfolio cummulatively, for the duration of the project.
- Powerpoint presentation of final analysis and choice of the media mix with relevant visuals, diagrams, charts, time-lines included, along the lines of the 5Ms. Printed as a hand outs, 6 slides per page and presented.
- To develop students ability to synthesise knowledge.
- To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising
- To develop students ability to determine a media mix based on analysis.
The presentation was good. The type of media that will be used was not listed out in the introduction and conclusion. The conclusion for the first section the media was not present. Overall, sufficient data to support the media strategies.
There's a lot to consider in picking the right media strategy for this specific target audience since
there is a lot of options to choose from. There were many sources that one could pick and say that it is right, and some source contradict each other and some support and so it was up to me synthesize those information and come up with a conclusion that could support my opinion. I would say that it is definitely harder than the project 1 for me since being indecisive in this process is not an option. But, I'm glad that it is still quite flexible for me to adjust my options.